22-year-old dies suddenly: mystery surrounds the cause

Today (25th October) the autopsy, ordered by the Gela prosecutor’s office, will be carried out on the body of a 22-year-old young woman from Riesi who arrived already dead, on Tuesday evening, around 6:30 pm, at the hospital in Mazzarino. Two of her friends, with whom the young woman had gone to Caltanissetta during the morning, were the ones who came to her aid. She started feeling unwell on the way back to Riesi. From there, they rushed to the emergency room in Mazzarino, but unfortunately, there was nothing more that could be done for the girl. The carabinieri of the Gela Territorial Department are investigating and have seized the medical records.
Riesi, muore a 22 anni dopo un malore: giallo sulle cause
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