Wind in Palermo, damage across the province: over 11 interventions by firefighters

The article describes the recent damage caused by strong winds in Palermo, Sicily. Broken trees, collapsed walls, and flying roofs kept the firefighters busy throughout the night. The emergency services received numerous calls reporting dangerous situations such as loose trees, torn sheet metal, and fallen billboards due to wind gusts reaching up to 90-95 kilometers per hour. Although no injuries were reported, there were disruptions in traffic flow, with a guardrail segment falling onto a roadway. Similar incidents were also reported in other towns such as Cefalù, Termini Imerese, Ficarazzi, Monreale, and Carini. The regional civil protection agency issued a weather and hydrogeological risk warning for Sicily, with a yellow alert in place.

Vento a Palermo, danni in tutta la provincia: oltre 11 interventi dei vigili del fuoco

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