Students exploring wind energy in Palermo and Trapani provinces

Over 90 students from three Sicilian schools visited the Sorgenia wind power plants as part of the national educational campaign Generation Carbon, a guide to climate change. The initiative, promoted by the Generation Carbon association in collaboration with Sorgenia, aims to raise awareness among young people about climate and renewable energy issues.
During classroom lessons and visits to the wind power plants, students learned about carbon, fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect, and their impact on the climate, enriching their awareness of environmental challenges and ways to combat climate change.
For the Mario Francese Marineo Comprehensive Institute in Bolognetta, 39 third-grade students participated in the visit to the Sorgenia wind plant in Marineo and Cefalà Diana. The Vittorino da Feltre Primary School in Campofelice di Fitalia visited the Sorgenia wind plant in Campofelice di Fitalia, Villafrati, and Ciminna with its 18 students. Finally, the Giuseppe Grassa Middle School in Mazara del Vallo with 36 students learned about the functioning and advantages of producing renewable energy in the Mazara del Vallo wind park.
“These three days have represented an important journey to raise aware and prepared young people to current and future environmental challenges. We also had the opportunity to convey the value of energy transition and conscious use of renewable energy to enthusiastic students to preserve the health of the territory and our planet,” said Valeriano Giusti, Renewable Asset Director of Sorgenia.
“For children of this age, experiences and facts certainly matter more than words. That’s why we firmly believe in the priceless added value of expert-led workshops in the classroom and visits to wind power plants, which provide them with tangible and concrete examples of what is already possible to create a better future,” concluded Barbara Orsi, President of Generation Carbon.
Gli studenti alla scoperta dell’energia eolica nelle province di Palermo e Trapani
Sicilian news
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