Siracusa demolishes illegal shacks near public housing areas

Shacks had been built over the years near public housing buildings. Yesterday morning in Siracusa, several illegal structures were demolished, which portrayed an image of degradation in front of the city and conveyed a widespread sense of illegality. The demolition operation, aimed at restoring legal conditions, was coordinated by the Siracusa police headquarters, with the deployment of a substantial number of personnel from the mobile unit and local law enforcement agencies (police, carabinieri, and finance police). The bulldozers, provided by the Municipality of Siracusa, went into action early in the morning: a large area of the city was cleared.
The police headquarters explains that this is the prompt response of the city’s institutions that allowed for the restoration of cleanliness, hygiene, and legality in sensitive areas where the presence of the State must be reaffirmed decisively. The operation, decided within the Provincial Committee for public order and safety, significantly contributes to increasing the perception of security in the city. The Committee has indeed decided to crack down on the phenomenon of illegal shacks built near public housing buildings.
“An operation – commented Police Chief Roberto Pellicone – that is fully part of the broader program of high-impact actions of recent weeks, significantly contributing to an increase in the perception of security in the capital of Aretusa”.
Siracusa, abbattute con le ruspe le baracche abusive vicino alle zone di edilizia popolare
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