Renzi presents in Palermo the list United States of Europe: “Who votes for the Pd, votes Cgil and Cinquestelle”

Matteo Renzi lands in Palermo to present the candidates for the Islands constituency of his list, United States of Europe, and launches an attack on Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who in his opinion uses “populist tones like ‘I am Giorgia, I am der popolo…’. You are not Giorgia, you are not of the people, you are the Prime Minister and you must work. You must not use populist slogans”. Renzi believes that “Meloni’s scam with the 100 euros is beautiful. We did the 80 euros net every month for 10 million Italians that automatically arrived in their paychecks. To evoke Renzi’s 80 euros, Meloni, ten years later, announces a measure with 100 gross euros, once a year if you’re lucky and only available on request and only for certain categories of people. Dear Giorgia, if you want to copy ideas, copy them well, if instead you simply need to use slogans to cover the emptiness of your government, we tell you that you are cheating people”. He also speaks of fraud regarding the candidacies. “Meloni – he argues – is cheating Italians because she is running for the European Parliament and will not go. Meloni, Schlein, Tajani and Calenda, by running and saying immediately that even if elected they will not go to Brussels, they are cheating citizens and this is a theft of democracy”.

“I make an appeal – he also says – to the Pd voters, no matter what name you write on the ballot, you are voting for Cgil-5stelle, not for the Pd, because the Democratic Party that at least partly supports the referendum on the jobs act betrays its history. The Pd is no longer the home of reformists”. And the other appeal “is to the people. If you want candidates who will make a difference in the European Parliament against populists and sovereigntists, choose our people because they are able to make a difference”.

There is also space for international issues. “The idea of sending European soldiers to Ukraine – Renzi states – is a mistake in my opinion. We must make every effort to support Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and sending military equipment but what the EU must do, and I have been saying this since February 24, 2022, is to send a special envoy of the European Union, who accompanies the military effort with a diplomatic policy. Today, Europe is absent”.

“In the Middle East – he also declares – the EU has sent Luigi Di Maio and if in a scenario of war you send Di Maio, it is evident that you do not want to touch the ball. And in Ukraine, in my opinion, Europe should send Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Francois Hollande, that is, people who know the parties involved and who, starting from the assumption that Ukraine is right, try to find a political solution. Of course, yes to sending weapons and yes to sanctions against Russia”.

Then on immigration: “In 2023 in Italy – Renzi declares to Italpress – it was at record levels of 2015. With Giorgia Meloni in government, we have not changed pace, only the slogans have changed”.

Renzi presenta a Palermo la lista Stati Uniti d’Europa: «Chi vota per il Pd, vota Cgil e Cinquestelle»

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