Rediscover well-being and relaxation with the services at Jovi Center

The hectic everyday life leads us to seek a “refuge” where we can recharge our psychophysical well-being. In the heart of Palermo, in via Libertà, there is the Jovi Center wellness center, a point of reference for many clients looking for professionalism, competence, and innovative technologies for improving the aesthetic flaws that concern women. Welcoming them is Giovanna Mistretta, the qualified beauty specialist with over 35 years of experience in the sector who will advise, through a specific impedance examination, how to establish a personalized path in order to improve physical appearance and enhance flaws.

The Jovi Center is therefore a real oasis of relaxation with highly qualified staff. Among the various basic and advanced aesthetic services, you can choose from a variety of 12 types of massages. Such as: anticellulite massage, lymphatic drainage, performed with a series of gentle but deep rhythmic maneuvers. Another popular massage is the madera, the connective tissue, and the therapeutic one. Finally, you can also find massages performed with an advanced technique that adheres to the slim shape method, aimed at reducing, toning, and shaping tissues in a performing way. In addition to the fundamental manual skills, various techniques and equipment for weight loss are added, for which the center is specialized in the sector. By calling, you can request a free consultation with impedance examination to organize a targeted and personalized path together with highly specialized staff. If you are looking for wellness and relaxation, the Jovi Center is the right place to find the beloved “psychophysical well-being”.

Ritrovare benessere e relax con i servizi del Jovi Center

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