Radiology technician who aided Messina Denaro under house arrest in Mazara

The Palermo Review Court granted house arrest to Cosimo Leone, a radiology technician at the Mazara del Vallo hospital, who was arrested for allegedly helping Matteo Messina Denaro speed up diagnostic tests in 2020, being available to the boss during his hospital stay, and obtaining a reserved cell phone purchased for the mob boss by the facilitator Andrea Bonafede. The judges requalified the original accusation of mafia association to aggravated favoritism. Leone was defended by lawyers Massimo Miceli, Roberto Tricoli, and Giuseppe Pantaleo. Along with the technician, architect Massimo Gentile was also arrested for providing his identity to the boss, and Leonardo Gulotta, who reportedly gave his phone number to the mob boss for communications related to purchasing a car. Gentile and Gulotta are still in custody.

Mazara, ai domiciliari il tecnico radiologo che aiutò Messina Denaro

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