Palermo’s uncontrolled nightlife worries city council

Yesterday morning, December 11, at the City Council in Palermo, the opening was dedicated to the events of via Isidoro La Lumia. Monologues, passionate speeches, proposals. But once again, the resolution on the nightlife regulation remains at a standstill. The point raised concerns the project for the redevelopment of the Bandita port, one of three intervention projects on the south coast with funds from the Pnrr, which seems to need to be approved by the day after tomorrow (December 14), otherwise there would not be enough time to put it out to tender by the end of the year. “While it is appropriate to proceed with a careful and not extemporaneous definition of the rules,” explained Germana Canzoneri, “on the other hand, we know that this is not enough, nor can we think of shifting the control of the territory onto the operators.” According to Antonio Rini, president of the Urban Planning Commission of Fratelli d’Italia, what has happened “is a sign of social and moral degradation that is totally unacceptable. Every day I hear the desperation of exhausted, discouraged, and disheartened residents. Many good intentions, but few concrete actions to change course.” But Carmelo Miceli, of the Misto group, points the finger at the Melonians: “I am glad that after blocking the discussion on the nightlife regulation, they have backtracked.” Teresa Piccione, of the Democratic Party, “urged to carefully study how to prevent the restriction in some areas from turning into an overconcentration in other places.” According to Giuseppe Miceli (M5S), “a program of interventions is needed, the regulation comes afterwards.” Ottavio Zacco’s real point is the lack of centers and reference points for young people, a problem that concerns everyone.” And for Giulia Argiroffi (Oso), “politics is showing that it does not know how to provide answers.”

Palermo, la movida incontrollata preoccupa il Consiglio comunale ma il regolamento รจ ancora fermo

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