Palermo companies offer scholarships to Borgo Nuovo youths

The article talks about two scholarships created for deserving students who are unable to continue their education. The scholarships, funded by Euromanagement Sanità and Italtekno srl, will support two high school students throughout their academic journey with a financial aid of 2,500 euros each. The initiative, conceived by Father Antonio Garau, aims to provide an opportunity for students who may otherwise face early entry into the workforce or fall into criminal activities due to lack of opportunities. The students will also be assigned a mentor to monitor their progress and help them transition into the workforce after completing their studies. The project is supported by the association Giovani 2017 3P Onlus and Sicindustria Palermo, with the hope of expanding participation to offer more scholarships and opportunities to underprivileged students. The Mayor of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla, expressed his support for the initiative, highlighting its importance in promoting education and social values within the community.

Palermo, dalle imprese un’alternativa alla strada: borse di studio per due ragazzi di Borgo Nuovo

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