New volcanic eruption recorded by the Institute of Volcanology in Stromboli

A new explosion was recorded on Stromboli at 9:16 pm by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. Immediately after the explosion, felt by the population, a high cloud with ash fallout rose. “From a seismic point of view – reads a statement from Ingv Etna observatory – the analysis of seismograms shows at 9:15 pm UTC the presence of a seismic transient of about 3 minutes correlated with the major explosion. The average amplitude of volcanic tremor showed a sudden increase starting from 9:00 pm, bringing the values from medium to very high. Around 9:30 pm, the amplitude returned to medium values. The signals from the ground deformation monitoring networks do not show significant changes.” Three days ago, the Department of Civil Protection had ordered the alert level for Stromboli to be raised from red, decided following the paroxysmal activity of the volcano recorded in the last three weeks, to orange. The decision was taken after a meeting of the Commission on Major Risks – volcanic risk sector and in light of the assessments of the Competence Centers, which indicate that the current set of data and their evolutionary trends suggest the likely beginning of a return to the volcano’s ordinary activity.

Stromboli, nuova esplosione registrata dall’Istituto di vulcanologia

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