Monreale’s Feast of the Holy Crucifix: The Most Awaited Event of Faith and Devotion

The article describes the festivities in Monreale in honor of the Holy Crucifix, which started with beautiful illuminations lighting up the streets. The events were presented in a press conference by Mayor Alberto Arcidiacono, with the participation of various officials and organizations. The celebrations will conclude on May 4th with a commemoration. The article also details the program of events, including cultural, musical, and folkloristic activities. The main highlight is the procession on May 3rd, where the Crucifix is carried through the streets. The article lists the schedule of events for each day, including concerts, exhibitions, parades, and religious ceremonies. It emphasizes the importance of the festival for the local community and the promotion of tourism and cultural traditions.

Festa del Santissimo Crocifisso di Monreale, tra fede e devozione l’evento più atteso

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