Man abuses wife and threatens police, in jail in Bagheria

Explain to me briefly the following article:

The Carabinieri of the Bagheria company, as part of activities to prevent and combat illegal activities, have arrested 4 people in the last 10 days, highlighting the daily territorial control activities. The soldiers of the Santa Flavia station arrested a 19-year-old from Palermo, already known to the authorities, for attempted aggravated theft. In another instance, the Carabinieri arrested a 32-year-old man, who was already known to the authorities, for non-compliance with judicial measures. Another arrest was made by the Carabinieri of the Casteldaccia station, who stopped a 42-year-old man, already known to the authorities, accused of resisting a public official. Finally, the soldiers of the Ficarazzi station executed a custody order against a 44-year-old man, accused of evasion.

Maltratta moglie e minaccia i carabinieri, in cella a Bagheria

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