Lipari’s baby environmentalists grow: Cleanup of Marina Lunga beach continues

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At the kindergarten, baby environmentalists are growing. Thanks to “Marevivo,” which is increasingly at home in the Aeolian Islands. In recent times, there have already been about ten successful clean-up operations carried out by the association of Rosalba Giugni.

And the cleaning of the remains of Marina Lunga beach continues. The children, along with representatives from Marevivo and teachers, have collected about ten bags of waste scattered along the coast, including plastic, glass, cardboard, and other debris deposited by the recent storm surge that also flooded roads, houses, and shops.

Stefano Siracusa from “Marevivo” confirms that the students are highly interested in environmental protection. “Our children,” says the vice principal Esmeralda Foti, “are enthusiastic. Every time we organize this expedition, they welcome it with joy and then engage as much as possible. Thanks to our principal Mirella Fanti, who is always sensitive.”

Lipari, crescono i baby ambientalisti: continua la pulizia della spiaggia di Marina Lunga

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