Judge rules that flight tickets lost due to family illnesses must be reimbursed to former mayor of Palermo Cammarata and a lawyer

The article talks about two cases in which a lawyer, Alessandro Palmigiano, and former mayor of Palermo, Diego Cammarata, were denied refunds by airlines after missing their flights due to family health issues. The judges in Palermo ruled in favor of both Palmigiano and Cammarata, stating that the right to a refund in case of missed travel due to health reasons extends to family members as well. In one case, Palmigiano couldn’t fly due to his partner’s health issue, while Cammarata’s daughter fell ill before their flight to New York, resulting in extra costs and a disrupted travel plan. Both cases ended with the airlines being ordered to refund the passengers.
Voli persi per malori di familiari, il giudice: vanno rimborsati i biglietti all’ex sindaco di Palermo Cammarata e a un avvocato
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