Gas leak in Palermo repaired, alarm raised by police and firefighters

The gas pipeline in Via Sacco and Vanzetti, in the Sperone district, which had a leak yesterday afternoon, has been repaired. The emergency gas operators from Amg Energia completed the intervention started this morning.
Last night, the Amg Energia team, called by the fire brigade and police, had already located the point of the pipe affected by the leakage and had secured the area. As a precaution, in agreement with the Civil Protection and fire brigade, a section of Via Sacco and Vanzetti, from number 48 to the intersection with Via Giannotta, remained closed to traffic in the evening.
This morning, Amg Energia operators, after excavating, repaired the pipeline restoring its integrity. “I thank the operators for their activities that confirm the competence and efficiency of the service,” emphasizes the president of Amg Energia, Francesco Scoma, who followed the incident yesterday.
Fuga di gas a Palermo, riparata la tubatura, l’allarme lanciato da polizia e vigili del fuoco
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