Father of agent Agostino: “After the conviction, it is time to shave the beard.”

Vincenzo Agostino expresses his satisfaction and relief after the appeal trial confirms the life sentence for Nino Madonia, the killer of his son and daughter-in-law, Nino and Ida. He expresses his desire for his wife to be there with him and plans to remove the inscription on her grave, which reads “dead waiting for truth and justice”. Agostino thanks his lawyer and the judiciary, believing that the verdict brings clarity and is important for the whole country. He hopes that Madonia will now repent and reveal all he knows. Agostino also looks forward to the conclusion of the ordinary trial and the possibility of cutting his long, white beard, which he has not done since the day of the crime in 1989, as a promise to his son’s grave.
Il padre dell’agente Agostino: «Dopo la condanna è vicino il tempo di tagliare la barba»
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