Arrests in Misilmeri for possession of cocaine and crack in a car.

The mobile section of the Carabinieri in Misilmeri have arrested a 34-year-old man from Agrigento and a 28-year-old Gambian man who were found in possession of crack, cocaine, and marijuana. The two individuals were driving at night on a dead-end street called via Pomara in a car. During a routine check, the police found 25.7 grams of crack already divided into doses, 4.8 grams of cocaine, and 5.5 grams of marijuana in a backpack. The arrests were validated by the gip of Termini Imerese, who ordered the two accused of drug possession and trafficking to report to the police in their place of residence.

In auto avevano cocaina e crack, due arresti a Misilmeri

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