Angelo Castronovo’s murder: breakthrough after a year and a half with arrest and search raids

The article discusses a breakthrough in the investigation of the murder of Angelo Castronovo, a 65-year-old agricultural worker who was killed on October 31, 2022 in the countryside near Agrigento. An arrest warrant has been issued for Giuseppe Rallo, who is a suspect in the case, and dozens of personal and home searches have been conducted by the Carabinieri. Over 70 officers were involved in the operation, which was authorized by the judge at the request of the prosecutor’s office. The investigation is being led by prosecutor Giulia Sboccia and deputy prosecutor Salvatore Vella. Rallo is related to Enrico Rallo, the first victim of the feud in Palma di Montechiaro in 2015. Castronovo was shot four times along the road connecting Palma di Montechiaro and Licata, and he had previously been accused of illegal possession of firearms.

L’omicidio di Angelo Castronovo, la svolta dopo un anno e mezzo: un arresto e raffica di perquisizioni

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