Vito Riggio: “Competition is tough for flights to Sicily”

The article discusses the need to make airports competitive in the market, with the mayor of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla, and Governor Renato Schifani expressing support for gradual privatization of airports. The CEO of Gesap, the company managing Palermo’s Falcone Borsellino International Airport, also agrees with Schifani’s stance on combatting high flight costs through competition. However, the secretary general of the Legea Cisal union, Gianluca Colombino, opposes the privatization of Gesap, arguing that the company is performing well and should not be sold off.

In regards to the construction of an airport in Agrigento, Schifani stated that the focus is on strategies such as developing cargo operations in Comiso and privatizing airports to enhance competitiveness. He clarified that there are no plans for new airport construction, leading to calls for better access to airports for residents in central-southern Sicily. Agrigento is currently located at least 1 hour and 45 minutes away from existing airports in Sicily.

Caro voli per la Sicilia, Vito Riggio: «Si combatte con la concorrenza»

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