Two young people arrested for firing gunshots at the home of a witness in Syracuse

The article explains that two individuals, a 21-year-old from Syracuse named Andrea Lombardo and a 25-year-old Romanian named Marian Sorin Curt, have been accused of shooting five gunshots at the house of a mafia turncoat on the same evening that news of his collaboration with justice was reported in the press. Lombardo is believed to have a prominent role in a criminal group in Syracuse involved in extortion and drug trafficking for the Bottaro-Attanasio clan. The authorities have issued a custody order against the two suspects for possession of a clandestine weapon and mafia-style damage. The investigation, carried out by the police and carabinieri in Syracuse, was sparked by the shooting incident targeting the turncoat’s home on September 26. Surveillance footage revealed Curt wearing a Napoli tracksuit during the shooting, linking him to the crime. Further evidence was found during searches at the suspects’ homes, and phone intercepts were also utilized in the investigation.
Colpi di pistola contro la casa di un pentito a Siracusa, fermati due ventenni
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