Tugboat cable breaks in rough sea, ship stranded on Rometta coast.

The tugboat lost the ship it was towing due to bad weather conditions. It happened off the coast of Stromboli during the night, as the tugboat Tedy was transferring a ship from Tirrenia from Naples to a Turkish port. Due to the strong waves, the large steel cable connecting the tugboat to the ferry broke and the drifting ship was at the mercy of the waves. It ended up stranded on the coast of Rometta, between Spadafora and Villafranca Tirrena, a few miles from the docks of the Milazzo Refinery. There is no one on board, but it is necessary to get the ferry back on course. The tugboat, on the other hand, remained in Stromboli for repairs, considering the still extremely bad sea conditions. The coast guard from Milazzo is on site to intervene.

Il cavo del rimorchiatore si spezza per il mare mosso, la nave resta in balia delle onde e poi si incaglia sulla costa di Rometta

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