Trapani prison fire: Inmate sets cell ablaze in protest

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In the Trapani district prison, a Tunisian inmate started a fire in his cell as a protest, putting himself, other inmates, and the officers in the unit in danger. The worst was avoided only thanks to the timely and professional intervention of the prison police personnel.

This was reported by the provincial secretary of Sinappe, Rocco Parrinello. “We have already reported to the regional and central authorities that, the same inmate has staged other protests a few months ago. Previously, he had climbed onto the roof of the unit – the union leader added – and demanded immediate departure, putting the health of the officers at risk. Tangible and immediate interventions are needed, while recognizing the unavoidable need to reform the system and security. It is necessary, in the shortest time possible, to reduce overcrowding and strengthen the prison police.”

Trapani, incendio in carcere: detenuto dà fuoco alla cella per protesta

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