Tragic incident in Valderice: 64-year-old motorcyclist dies

The balance of a road accident that occurred in the late afternoon along the State Road 187 towards Buseto-Trapani is of one dead. The victim is Salvatore Lo Bue, 64 years old from Erice. The man was traveling on a Honda motorcycle. Lo Bue was unable to control the motorcycle he was riding after the Honda wheel hit some gravel along the roadway while taking a curve, causing the vehicle to skid. The fall on the asphalt was fatal. Not even the helmet he was wearing was able to protect him.

According to the initial findings by the municipal police of Valderice, Lo Bue, while traveling on State Road 187, first overtook a car in front of him at high speed. However, when returning to his lane, he found himself at the beginning of a curve that he probably did not know how to handle, possibly due to excessive speed.

When he hit the gravel along the roadway, he lost his balance and control of the vehicle, leading to a violent fall and hitting his head. The impact was lethal, and Lo Bue died on the spot. The accident occurred around 5:30 pm in the territory of Valderice. Some witnesses alerted the emergency services, and the 118 responders, carabinieri, and municipal police arrived on the scene to conduct investigations. Traffic along the state road was slowed down for several hours to allow for investigations and the removal of the motorcycle.

Tragico incidente a Valderice, motociclista di 64 anni perde la vita

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