The unfinished constitutional principle of equality: legal professionals in Palermo discuss.
The Aiga Palermo association organized an event at the Law Faculty of the University to present the book “Equal by Constitution: the story of an unfinished utopia from 1948 to today” (published by Feltrinelli), by Ernesto Maria Ruffini, director of the Revenue Agency. Also present at the debate, in addition to the author, were Giovanni Pitruzzella, judge of the Constitutional Court, and Sandro Staiano, president of the Italian Association of Constitutionalists.
“The presentation of lawyer Ruffini’s book, for the topic treated – declares the president of Aiga Palermo, Antonino Musacchia – fits into the broader path that Aiga is promoting on the social role of the lawyer, who, over the decades, has lost centrality to have relegated himself to a role of mere technocrat, at best, if not even as a mere “client grabber”, distorting that function that is proper to it, guarantor of the principle of equality that imposes, on each of us, not to turn away. Moments of comparison like today’s, open to civil society and not only to legal professionals remind us – Musacchia continues – the sense of being today, bringing back to the center of the debate the social role of those who, once upon a time, were the noble professions”.
“The book of lawyer Ruffini – highlights Nelli Scilabra, national councilor of Aiga Palermo – does not stop at article 3 of the Constitution. Indeed, through this important principle, the concept of equality is declined in the development of the Constitution itself. The book gives us a current reading of all those values and principles that have moved the work of the Constituent Assembly. Each of us is called to make society fairer, especially those who operate in the field of justice. Lawyers, magistrates, and judges, we all have a duty to re-appropriate the social function of justice. The principle of equality protects our individuality. Through it, equal opportunities for all must be promoted and guaranteed in order to make our society more fair”.
The presentation was also attended by Armando Plaia, director of the Department of Law at the University of Palermo, Giuseppe Di Stefano, secretary of the Union of Forensic Orders of Sicily, lawyer Dario Greco, president of the Bar Association of Palermo, Carolina Varchi, secretary of the presidency of the Chamber, the president of the Court of Appeal of Palermo Matteo Frasca, Valentina D’Orso, Brigida Alaimo, Budget Assessor of the Municipality of Palermo, and Antonella Sciortino, ordinary professor of Constitutional Law in Palermo. The event was organized in collaboration with the student association Contrariamente-Rum and with the Department of Law at the University.
L’uguaglianza, principio costituzionale incompiuto: professionisti del diritto a confronto a Palermo
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