The mysteries of the White One gang intertwine with the Ustica massacre.

A group of relatives of the victims of the “Uno Bianca” gang, which killed 23 people and injured over 100 between 1987 and 1994, has submitted a complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office in Bologna to reopen the investigation and find the masterminds behind the crimes. The connection between this case and the Ustica massacre is highlighted in the complaint, focusing on Roberto Savi, a former police officer serving a life sentence and the leader of the gang along with his brother Fabio. The relatives claim that Savi had access to information showing his ties to security service networks. The complaint refers to statements made in 1995 by another ex-police officer from the gang, Pietro Gugliotta, who spoke of conversations he had with Savi. Gugliotta mentioned that during a car ride, Savi pointed out a mountainous area where a French Mirage aircraft involved in the Ustica disaster allegedly dropped an additional fuel tank. Savi also reportedly claimed to have piloted the Mirage, which took off from Toulon. Although some debris from the aircraft was later found in that area, it was not directly linked to the Ustica incident. The involvement of one or more French fighter jets only gained attention in 2008 with former President Cossiga’s statements, which led to the reopening of investigations into the Ustica bombing. The lawyers representing the relatives argue that Savi frequently mixed truthful information with grandiose claims and ambiguous statements. They believe this element should not be dismissed in the investigation, as it could redefine the narrative surrounding the “Uno Bianca” crimes and potentially shed light on the wider criminal and investigative context in which they occurred.

I misteri della banda della Uno bianca s’intrecciano con quelli della strage di Ustica

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