Slow anti-emergency plan in Sicily amid drought: lack of projects, Region criticizes Municipal assemblies.

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The concept is clear, at least for those who lead the steering committee established by Palazzo d’Orleans with the aim of addressing the water crisis crushing Sicily: the hourglass is running out, the money is there, and therefore, immediate action must be taken to implement the emergency plan approved by Rome just over a week ago.

In short, no one can make excuses. This is the message that the head of the regional Civil Protection, Salvo Cocina, relayed yesterday to the implementing entities of the aforementioned timeline, gathered at a meeting convened with the prefects of the provinces most affected by severe drought, namely Agrigento, Enna, Caltanissetta, Trapani, and Palermo: “There is no time to waste,” the 20 million euros coming from Rome as the first tranche of aid, to drill or reactivate new and old wells and prevent towns and cities from running dry during the summer, must be immediately implemented by the individual municipalities called into question, by the irrigation consortia, by the entities delegated to managing the water service, and especially by the Ati, the Water Territorial Assemblies formed by the municipalities, responsible for the supply and distribution of drinking water, which have the largest portion of the emergency plan in their hands, but which, to date, for the most part of the works, do not yet have the projects ready, despite having all the exemptions allowed by the crisis and the necessary resources to start the construction sites.

Details of the meeting in Andrea D’Orazio’s report in today’s edition of the Giornale di Sicilia, Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Siccità, a rilento in Sicilia il piano anti-emergenza: mancano i progetti, la Regione bacchetta le assemblee dei Comuni

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