Sicily chosen after 21 years to provide oil for St. Francis votive lamp, in memory of Biagio Conte

After 21 years, Sicily has been chosen as the region to offer the oil that fuels the votive lamp burning day and night at Assisi on the tomb of St. Francis, the patron saint of Italy. The celebration, which takes place every year on October 4th, was presented this morning at Palazzo d’Orleans, with the presence of the mayor of Assisi, Stefania Proietti, Father Massimo Travascio, custodian of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla, and Monsignor Antonino Raspanti, president of the Cesi. The entire Sicilian population will be involved, along with its civil and religious institutions: Lagalla will light the lamp on behalf of all the mayors of Italy. The churches of the island will donate about a thousand liters of oil, and the Regional Presidency has allocated 20,000 euros for the restoration of two works inside the Basilica. The choice of the island is related to the fourth centenary of Santa Rosalia, with the mayor calling it a “wonderful intertwining of destinies”. The values of caring for the poor and the spirit of Brother Biagio Conte will guide the celebration. Mayor Proietti highlighted the universal messages of peace and dialogue preached by St. Francis. Monsignor Antonino Raspanti described the celebrations as purely religious and spiritual, with St. Francis being a figure of extraordinary holiness who reflects the figure of Jesus Christ.

Dopo 21 anni è la Sicilia la regione scelta per offrire il suo olio per la lampada votiva di San Francesco, ad Assisi: «Un’occasione per ricordare Biagio Conte»

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