Schifani: Messina Bridge strategic for economy, will boost GDP

Explain to me the following article briefly:
“The debate about the bridge is based solely on political presumptions: Italy is divided between the will for change and conservation, but the latter sometimes exaggerates by hiding behind unfounded fears about the instability of new works and a projectual future that is now consolidated and relies on a great technological capacity.”
The President of the Region Renato Schifani spoke about the Strait Bridge during the show Diary of the day on Rete 4. “The bridge, beyond the acceleration of ferry times between Sicily and Calabria, has a strategic function at the European level – Schifani said – If someone tries recklessly to prevent this construction, we will become a civil party. This government has inherited Berlusconi’s will to complete this project, it is necessary to create a system to explain to the public opinion the strategic importance of the work.”
“In Sicily, Rfi has invested 11.5 billion euros for medium speed between Palermo, Catania, and Messina; the bridge is a further stimulator of infrastructural interventions in our territory, in this sense it can never be a “cathedral in the desert.” Italy with two speeds does not work, if we want it to grow, the south must also grow. These divisions about the bridge are not good for anyone, because it is a strategic work for the country’s economy and commerce and will increase the GDP both in the south and in the north,” he concluded.”
Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, Schifani: «Opera strategica per l’economia e il commercio del Paese, favorirà l’aumento del Pil»
Sicilian news
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