Rome tightens restrictions on exemptions: Superbonus halted, businesses in revolt in Sicily.

Explain briefly the following article:
“Two figures, both enough to make one tremble, the first (to be optimistic) recoverable over time, the second, instead, destined to increase: on one hand, a shortfall of about 200 million euros, on the other, a loss of at least 10% of jobs.
These are the effects on construction companies in the Island of what remains of the Superbonus, between the posthumous repercussions of the incentive and the possible consequences of the new decree on the matter, approved by the national government and destined – according to the drafts circulating these days – to definitively strike the measure, eliminating the remaining cases for which the credit transfer and the discount on the invoice instead of deductions are still valid, possibilities so far limited to third sector entities and earthquake-stricken areas.
A provision “which represents another squeeze for a sector already put to the test by the backtracking action taken month after month on the bonus,” stresses Matteo Pezzino, president of Confartigianato Anaepa Edilizia Sicilia, recalling the previous steps, those that have reduced the incentive rate from 110% to 70%, and trying to quantify the consequences of the last “blow.”
La stretta di Roma sulle deroghe: stop al Superbonus, imprese in rivolta in Sicilia
Sicilian news
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