Restoration work completed at Vulcano lake, residents hopeful for summer reopening

At the court of Barcelona, the hearing for the thermal pool has been postponed to May 16th at the request of lawyer Saro Venuto, representing the company Geoterme which has managed it in recent years. The aim is to verify in the meantime how the restoration works have been carried out. Inspection by the workers, for an initial assessment.
The request from the Geoterme’s lawyer was made in agreement with the company. The works were completed on March 20th and the execution needs to be assessed and verified in accordance with the demolition order issued by the Municipality of Lipari and respecting the boundaries drawn by the expert appointed by the judge. Subsequently, the islanders hope that the Barcelona prosecutor’s office can release the sequestration of the mud pool, which had been carried out due to unauthorized works.
On the island, there is great anticipation for the tourism benefits, and in the meantime, in May, the geothermal pools of the Marotta family from Palermo, which had been closed for several years, will reopen.
“Now – says Maurizio Vulcano, an economic operator and spokesperson for the residents – we must hope for a swift reopening. The island of Vulcano needs a breath of fresh air after everything we have been through. May the reopening of the mud pool be a spur for new initiatives, cultural, culinary, beautification, and urban improvement. Let’s roll up our sleeves now to face a new and successful tourist season.”
Vulcano, nel laghetto lavori di ripristino ultimati: i residenti sperano nella riapertura per l’estate
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