Railway doubling project in Messina: Webuild workers in state of agitation

The situation that has arisen at the important construction site for the railway doubling project in the Giampilieri-Fiumefreddo section, commissioned by RFI and managed by Webuild, a multinational company in the construction sector, is serious and deeply worrying. Due to a series of failures that have heavily impacted all workers involved in the project, trade unions have rightfully declared an indefinite state of agitation. This decision is a direct result of repeated union notifications that have been followed by verbal commitments from Webuild that have been consistently disregarded.

Ivan Tripodi, general secretary of UIL Messina, and Pasquale De Vardo, general secretary of Feneal Uil Tirrenica, have stated that “There are numerous and significant critical issues – the failure to pay for overtime work, the failure to recognize night shift allowances, the failure to pay for availability and holidays, and even the incorrect indication of days actually worked.

Therefore, these are serious failures that are causing objective economic difficulties for all workers. In order to prevent the exacerbation of the issue, we hope for a rapid restoration of contractual provisions and the recognition of all entitlements for the workers. We also express astonishment and concern that this issue involves Webuild, a company from which we objectively did not expect this modus operandi. Unfortunately, we have to acknowledge that in the Messina area, as happened in the past with other important public works contracts, even the most “prestigious” companies fail to avoid serious social problems related to full compliance with contractual regulations and workers’ rights.”

Raddoppio ferroviario, a Messina stato di agitazione dei lavoratori della Webuild

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