Proloco requests help from Region after Stromboli covered in debris and mud

After the recent rain, Stromboli has been brought to its knees. Today, the damages and the lack of cleaning interventions from the mud and massive rocks that came down to the valley among houses, terraces, and narrow streets are still being counted. “In the event of instability situations (landslides, landslides, unstable rocks) – Giusi Oliva, president of the Proloco Amo Stromboli and the letter sent to the minister and the president of the Region, said – all measures for temporary emergency safety of the inhabited center must be prepared.” It will be essential to check the stability conditions of the walls (land and rocks) of all the valleys that feed streams in case of rain, more or less copious, as well as the beds of the streams themselves, in order to prevent stones and earth from being conveyed downstream with the rainwater.
“Given the frequent recurrence of floods – Oliva emphasizes – anxiety and uncertainty have obviously been created in the population. It would be appropriate that, in the event of rain and the recurrence of flood events, a very likely possibility, the immediate dispatch of at least one support team to the volunteers operating on the island, equipped with suitable means for the removal of mud, debris, and rocks.” And concludes: “We would like to emphasize once again that the situation is worsening and that, if we do not intervene to consolidate the upstream part of the streams, it can only become more risky for both the fraction of Stromboli and that of Ginostra.”
Stromboli tra detriti e fango, la Proloco lancia una richiesta di aiuto alla Regione
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