Principal calls police for drug raid in Sciacca school

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Twenty-three doses of hashish and marijuana, already packaged and ready for sale, were found and seized by officers from the public security department of Sciacca during a check carried out at the local high school Don Michele Arena. With the help of some police dogs provided by the police headquarters in Palermo, the officers checked classrooms, gyms, bathrooms, and corridors, thus recovering the drugs. Investigations are ongoing to identify the individuals who were in possession of the drugs, which were found on the ground or hidden in some rooms. Further searches in the students’ backpacks allowed the officers to identify a young man in possession of two more doses of hashish. A report was sent to the prefecture of Agrigento for his drug use. The intervention of the police was requested by the school principal Daniela Rizzuto, who hopes that this check will serve as a warning for a healthy lifestyle, away from the dangers of drug abuse. The Agrigento police headquarters reiterated that checks in schools in Agrigento and the province will continue with the aim of preventing and combating drug trafficking.
La preside chiama la polizia e scatta il blitz antidroga in una scuola di Sciacca
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