President of Pro Loco: “Our Christmas ends here” after wooden house destroyed
Another act of vandalism in Castelvetrano. Just a few days after some Christmas cottages set up in the square by the N.O.I. odv association and the Pro Loco Castelvetrano were damaged, one was completely destroyed last night. The presidents of both associations have denounced the incident, expressing anger and frustration. They have also announced that the Christmas cottages may be removed, but they will still be present to distribute mulled wine. The president of the Pro Loco association has decided to end the Christmas festivities due to the vandalism. Citizens are also expressing anger and disappointment, with some calling for increased attention from the administration and others suggesting night patrols. Overall, there is a sense of abandonment and frustration in the community.
Castelvetrano, distrutta una casetta in legno. Il presidente della Pro Loco: «Il nostro Natale finisce qui»
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