Police in Palermo investigating abandoned beer kegs on Napoli Street, searching for culprits

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Napi Street hit again by abandonments. This morning (March 27) at number 60 of the cross street of Maqueda Street, in the historic center of Palermo, about twenty silos, probably of beer, were found invading the sidewalk of the street.
Lined up and hidden behind garbage bins, they seem to have been left last night. The complaint comes from the vice president of the First District Antonio Nicolao, who arrived on the scene after receiving some reports from residents. “I alerted the municipal police, already working to try to trace the author or authors of the act – says Nicolao -. There are those who continue to stubbornly abandon everything on the street. It is now a festering situation, we hope for the common sense of the people of Palermo”. Keeping company with the silos are also debris, wooden planks and waste thrown out of hours.
Napoli Street is among the most affected streets in the historic center by the phenomenon of abandoning bulky items: there are many reports coming in for the open-air dumps that continue to form despite the interventions of the Rap and the residents of the area are exhausted.
Among the contributors, often, are also the nightlife venues in the historic center, often caught and fined by joint checks of the municipal police in synergy with the operators of the Cairoli square company. By rummaging through the bags, in fact, it is often possible to trace back to which commercial establishment the waste belongs to, giving the police the opportunity to carry out checks and impose sanctions.
Palermo, fusti di birra abbandonati in via Napoli: i vigili a caccia dei responsabili
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