Pelligra to take over former Fiat plant in Termini Imerese, Region to provide promised 30 million

The Pelligra Holding Italia, the Italo-Australian group owned by Ross Pelligra, the president of Catania Calcio, will be the winner of the bid to acquire the former Fiat and Blutec plant in Termini Imerese, which is currently under extraordinary administration. The project includes the revitalization of the entire industrial area of Termini Imerese with the construction of an industrial park, the largest commercial and logistics port in western Sicily, and a connected interport.

It is not yet official, but at the end of the meeting at the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, with all interested parties, Minister Adolfo Urso explained that “at the end of the process, only one proposal remained standing,” that of a group “solid financially and with a significant and important international reputation” that specializes in the reindustrialization of disused plants.

The minister did not disclose the amount of the offer, reserving the information for when the operation is formally announced. Regarding employment (564 employees and around 200 in the supply chain), the plan includes hiring 350 employees with job security for at least the next two years. An ad hoc company with public participation from the Sicilian Region will be created for the remaining approximately 180 workers, as they will have met pension requirements by the end of the extraordinary administration period in November. The goal is to implement active employment policies and training for their re-employment, with guarantees for all, including those eligible for pension. The Ministry of Labor, represented by Marina Calderone, is willing to find a solution to the issue of arduous work conditions.

The President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, called Minister Urso to congratulate him on the achieved result. The Regional Department of Labor of Sicily will make available the planned resources, 30 million euros, for both passive and active policies necessary to restart the production cycle.

In considering this day as a symbol of industrial policy that Italy can finally fully exercise, Urso explained that Pelligra is already involved in other projects in Sicily, which convinced the commissioners. The commercial traffic of Palermo will be completely transferred to Termini Imerese, with the world’s largest commercial operator, the Msc Group. This solution aligns with the territory’s vocation, serving as a development model for Sicily and southern Italy.

Pelligra prenderà lo stabilimento ex Fiat di Termini Imerese, la Regione metterà a disposizione i 30 milioni previsti

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