Palermo’s Bonagia la Rap initiative removes weeds near schools

In Palermo, a team dedicated to weeding and sweeping has been working in the 13th district (Villagrazia-Falsomiele) for several days, with a particular focus on the areas around schools. As requested during a recent meeting of the administration’s monitoring committee by Mayor Roberto Lagalla, for the past two days, the soil hygiene teams of Rap, equipped with brushcutters, blowers, brooms, shovels, motorcart support, and sweepers, have been weeding and sweeping the streets of Lorenzo Panepinto (a route used by children to access the Mattarella school) and Mico Geraci, a section of the former via della Giraffa. Work will continue in the latter area in the coming days due to parked cars hindering the process, with notices being issued to residents not to park their cars there.

“Subsequently, in agreement with the district,” announces Rap President Giuseppe Todaro, “the company will assign additional manpower to the Bonagia district before moving on to other areas of the city.”

In the Bonagia district, activities are also ongoing with the support of the municipal and state police, using two cranes and a tanker motorcart, to remove wood piles ready for burning in Bartolomeo Sirillo and Mico Geraci streets to prevent them from being set alight. Wood pile removal activities also started yesterday in Brancaccio, particularly in Norman Zarcone and Andrea Biondo (formerly Azolino Hazon) streets.

Palermo, a Bonagia la Rap in azione per togliere le erbacce vicino alle scuole

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