Palermo: Waste containers return to Cep. Lagalla’s anger: “0.75% is not enough”

Mayor Lagalla says “there will be no turning back on recycling at Cep”. This is how the mayor responds to the criticisms raised by some city councilors, following the decision to bring back the bins on the streets in the neighborhood. “We have reintroduced some bins taking into account the fact that, in some areas, proximity collection is only 0.75% and it begs the question why this is happening. It has been an unsuccessful investment for decades. Proximity collection (the one that involves eco-points with bells for paper, glass, plastic and organic waste) was a reckless hope. We will move towards simplifying the service”.
Palermo, al Cep tornano i cassonetti. L’ira di Lagalla: «La raccolta di prossimità la fa lo 0,75 per cento»
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