Palermo: Via Roma to have bike lane, project approved by city council

The municipal council of Palermo has approved a resolution to promote sustainable mobility along the axis of via Roma through the establishment of a two-way cycle path and the simultaneous improvement of visibility and safety at four pedestrian crossings. The measure, the note explains, is “strongly supported by Mayor Roberto Lagalla and the sustainable mobility councilor, Maurizio Carta, and shared with the councilor for ordinary road maintenance, Dario Falzone.”

Also involved is via Emerico Amari. The resolution, in fact, prescribes the construction of a two-way cycle path on the road along almost the entire length of via Roma (that is, in the stretch between piazza Giulio Cesare and via Emerico Amari), a two-way cycle path on dedicated lanes also in via Emerico Amari (in the stretch between via Roma and via Wagner) and interventions to improve the visibility of pedestrian crossings, at the intersections of via Principe di Belmonte, via Bara all’Olivella/Poste, piazza San Domenico and piazza Sant’Anna.

An act, the Municipality underlines, which, by collecting the numerous requests of citizens, committees and cycling representatives, assigns a very important role to bicycle travel, integrated and directly linked to the Central Station, with the existing cycle path along via Lincoln and the pedestrian area on via Emerico Amari, pursuing the main objective of improving safety parameters and promoting the use of bicycles in systematic home-work and leisure travel. According to the municipal administration, the construction of the two-way cycle path in via Roma allows for the maintenance of two-way traffic with a minimum lane width not less than 4 meters, being technically compatible with the road circulation system, given the existence of the Ztl, the presence of numerous cyclists, and the high pedestrian component crossing.

Palermo, anche la via Roma avrà la pista ciclabile: il progetto approvato dalla giunta comunale

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