Palermo presents the 400th festivity of Santa Rosalia: “Hope and youth at the center of everything”

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«A feast dedicated to hope, for the city, its young people and their future. Rosalia, pilgrim of hope». This is how Mayor Roberto Lagalla presented the 400th feast of Saint Rosalia, which will take place in Palermo. There will be 36 events held in the various neighborhoods of the city alongside the celebration that blends sacred and folk traditions leading up to July 14th. The entire city is involved, from cultural and institutional foundations, to service clubs and associations, to theaters.
«After evaluating each proposal on its merits – Lagalla emphasized – discretion is not a word that can be associated with this feast». «A festival that exudes a great sense of pride and authenticity – noted Marco Balich, of Wonder Studio, the agency responsible for organizing the feast». There will be 5 stages with a story to tell, which will also be amplified globally, a goal declared by the municipal administration.
The first stage is at the Royal Palace, where the chariot will be unveiled before setting off. The first stop is at the Cathedral where the archbishop will speak, then down to the 4 corners where the 4 saints (Saint Ninfa, Cristina, Oliva, and Agata) will crown the patron saint with a cameo appearance by Saint Benedict the Moor. And then onto the sea passing through Porta Felice. All stops will feature musical and vocal surprises that will not be revealed before the show. The procession will not only feature Rosalia’s chariot: a real procession will accompany the saint, summarizing the story that freed Palermo from the plague.
«With regards to emergencies, we are trying to promote an image of Palermo that is changing and wants to change – Lagalla continued – Many people from around the world, as evidenced by a substantial article in the Financial Times, come here and speak highly of us. We have seen this positive response in our travels to promote the 400th anniversary. We are expecting a lively tourism in these days. We are placing special emphasis on safety, cleanliness, and fire monitoring. We are not in a bubble where nothing can change, we must overcome the inclination to criticize everything and we must give momentum to a better future».
Palermo, presentato il festino di Santa Rosalia numero 400: «La speranza e i giovani al centro di tutto»
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