Palermo National Day of Mobilization for Peace: “Politics and diplomacy must return to the forefront of the debate”

In view of the National Mobilization Day for Peace, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday, October 26, Palermo is preparing to take to the streets with a strong and clear appeal: “It is time to put politics and diplomacy back at the center of the debate.” The initiative is launched by Mario Ridulfo, General Secretary of the CGIL Palermo, who emphasizes the importance of not remaining indifferent in the face of images of conflicts and suffering that come to us from around the world.
Palermo is one of the seven Italian cities that will host peace demonstrations. The procession, organized by the Palermo peace coordination with the active participation of the CGIL, will see the participation of over a hundred associations, movements, and parties. Participants will gather at 10 am in Piazza Croci, then proceed to Piazza Massimo, where the concluding speech will be held with the intervention of the General Secretary of CGIL Sicilia, Alfio Mannino.
Ridulfo emphasized that “we cannot resign ourselves to the violence of wars, nor to the indifference of States that profit from human suffering. It is necessary to unite forces to make a strong voice heard in favor of peace, so that government decisions do not remain indifferent to the desire for a better world.”
The mobilization aims to counteract a growing numbness towards international crises, inviting citizens to reassert an active role in the construction of a peaceful future. “Only through broader and more constant popular participation can we hope to influence political decisions,” Ridulfo concluded.
Tomorrow, therefore, Palermo will be united in a message of hope and commitment for peace, so that indignation does not turn into resignation, but into a collective action that loudly demands change.
Palermo, la Giornata di mobilitazione nazionale per la pace: «Politica e diplomazia devono tornare centrali nel dibattito»
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