Palermo: Middle school license at 64 years old at the Sperone school

The article tells the story of a 64-year-old student named Rosario Piastra who recently achieved his middle school diploma with one of the highest grades. He worked in a silverware shop for 35 years before deciding to go back to school and complete the education he had abandoned when he was 12 years old. The opportunity was offered by the parish of Maria Santissima delle Grazie in Palermo, which, in collaboration with the Giuseppe Di Vittorio comprehensive institute, has been helping adults and young students who have prematurely left school to obtain their middle school diploma for seven years.

This year, 9 adults were prepared for the exam, but 2 were unable to take it due to health reasons. The courses are taught by volunteers from the parish and the Lcu Ets Association. The article also mentions the success of 10 at-risk young students who successfully obtained their middle school diploma with the help of the parish.

The article highlights Piastra’s passion for learning and his plans to potentially continue his studies after taking a break. It also mentions the challenges and rewards of studying at an older age, as well as the support provided by volunteers like Maria Rita Ingrassia. The article concludes by emphasizing the positive and welcoming atmosphere of the program, which has helped many students, both young and old, achieve their educational goals.

Palermo, licenza media a 64 anni: allo Sperone scuola per tutti

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