Palermo and Sorrentino: “Corini dismissal? City Group doesn’t do what fans want”

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The article discusses comments made by former Palermo goalkeeper Stefano Sorrentino at the Palermo Football Conference. Sorrentino acknowledges Palermo’s defensive struggles and their plummet from second place in the Serie B standings. He attributes some of their difficulties to the lack of a strong leader on the team and the absence of a player willing to take responsibility for the team’s performances. Sorrentino also mentions the challenges of dealing with foreign investors in Italian football and defends the decision to keep coach Corini despite the team’s poor results. Finally, Sorrentino reflects on the team’s recent loss to Venezia, attributing it to bad luck and missed opportunities.

Palermo, Sorrentino: «Esonero Corini? City Group non fa quello che vogliono i tifosi»

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