Order of expulsion to leave Tunisia by boat to be reunited with mother.

A twenty-year-old woman born in Sicily attempted to reunite with her mother by arriving on a boat in Pantelleria. However, six days after her arrival, she received a deportation order from the police. Her lawyer, Giuseppe Lipera, has filed a complaint against this decision and a court hearing has been scheduled for October 10th. The woman’s parents, who are Tunisian, had moved to Catania with legal visas and permits in 2000. However, due to conflicts, her father took her back to Tunisia without her mother’s knowledge. Despite her efforts to return to Italy and be with her mother, the woman was unable to obtain the necessary permits. She decided to return to Sicily, where she was forced to pay a large sum of money to make the dangerous journey by an overcrowded rubber boat. Throughout this time, the mother maintained contact with her daughter through her parents and visits to Tunisia. The young woman has always expressed her desire to return to her hometown with her mother.

Dalla Tunisia col barcone per ricongiungersi con la madre: arriva l’ordine di espatrio

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