New witnesses emerge in Via D’Amelio investigation: 5 police officers from Palermo’s police headquarters in 1992.

Five police officers who operated at the police station in Palermo in 1992, the year of the massacres of Capaci and via D’Amelio, were heard in 2019 by the Procura of Caltanissetta in the context of the investigations opened to shed light on those years of bloodshed and on the fate of the red agenda of Paolo Borsellino. They were heard in relation to the investigation into the tampering of the investigations on via D’Amelio, being tried in Caltanissetta. The prosecution has focused on the transition of the bag from the hands of Arcangioli to the office of Arnaldo La Barbera. The searches at the home of La Barbera’s relatives last September are also relevant to the investigation, but are currently covered by a secrecy. Fratelli d’Italia is also calling for transparency in the interceptions that link the political left to the decision to assassinate Borsellino. They demand transparency to shed light on an issue highlighted by Judge Falcone regarding the links between the mafia and big business.
Via D’Amelio, nell’inchiesta spuntano cinque nuovi testimoni: sono poliziotti che nel 1992 lavoravano in questura a Palermo
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