New support teachers, permanent positions no longer guaranteed: flash mob in Palermo

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“We had dreams of a permanent position, but now we will have to ask for yet another qualification.” These are the special education teachers who are attending the year of Tfa, who this morning improvised a flash mob in Viale delle Scienze, the seat of the University of Palermo. More than 50 aspiring teachers occupied the external stairs of building 19, displaying signs with letters forming the message “one commitment: teachers united for support”. A common slogan, echoed by special education students from all Tfa programs in Italy, from Piacenza to Rome, where a large demonstration took place.

The legislative mechanism that guaranteed them a permanent position in support roles will no longer be applied from the next school year. And so, those who are currently spending time, effort, and money on a one-year specialization will find themselves with an additional teaching qualification, but without any certainty of having a permanent position. With the abolition of article 59, those who specialize this year will move to the first tier, but there will no longer be automatic permanent positions as there have been in the last three years. “Furthermore, to be admitted to this year of training, there are written and oral exams to pass – explain the protesters – in short, it is not an easy task.”

Nuovi insegnanti di sostegno, il posto fisso non è più una certezza: flash mob a Palermo

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