New procedure for recognizing civil disability in Palermo: here’s what the new system entails

To simplify and speed up the process of legal-medical assessment for civil disability, starting from next week, the “Submission of Medical Documentation” service will be activated for the entire Palermo Health Authority (Asp). The procedure will allow for a quicker “evaluation of the documents”, without having to wait for the timeslot for a direct visit to the health authority’s clinics.

Those who have previously submitted an application and are on the waiting list can also opt for the “evaluation of the documents”.

Who can submit the documentation
The following can submit medical documentation and request the “evaluation of the documents”:
– The citizen or a delegate;
– The general practitioner, the chosen pediatrician, or a certifying physician who, after completing the introductory medical certificate (and until the medical process is completed), can submit the medical documentation proving the pathology for which the recognition of disability or handicap is requested to the Commission.

– Patronage institutions, through an authorized operator, can also submit the documentation on behalf of the citizen who has opted for the “evaluation of the documents”. To use this functionality, the patronage operator must be profiled as a “patronage health operator”.

How to submit the documentation
The medical documentation attesting the pathology must be submitted through the Institutional INPS website application: “Submission of Medical Documentation – Civil Disability”.

Characteristics of the medical documentation
To make the activity of the Medical Commission in formulating the medical-legal judgment more timely and effective, it is crucial to only submit medical documentation:
– Issued by a accredited public or private healthcare facility;
– Capable of proving, based on standardized and validated diagnostic and assessment criteria recognized by the international scientific community, the pathology or impairment.

The Asp reminds that it is possible to submit medical documentation as long as the assessment process is ongoing, until the report is “finalized”.

Palermo, procedura più snella per il riconoscimento dell’invalidità civile: ecco cosa prevede il nuovo sistema

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