New law in Sicily proposes amnesty for beach disputes
Explain to me briefly the following article:
“Recovering houses built within 150 meters from the shore, provided that they have been seized from the Mafia. Another loophole opens at the Regional Assembly regarding the law that would demolish one of the pillars of the legislation introduced in 1976, which established building restrictions, including the prohibition of building and legalizing properties on the coasts.
Yesterday, a law on urban planning was presented in the assembly. The law sets out new rules for drafting urban plans and had already removed an article approved by the Brothers of Italy in the commission to reopen the 1985 amnesty and legalize 200,000 properties built on the beaches between 1976 and 1983. However, another article has been included in the text that, although with limited effects, reopens the debate on amnesty along the coasts.
Article 14 of the bill under consideration allows for amnesty for real estate assets “transferred for institutional purposes from the ‘National Agency for the Administration and Destination of Assets Seized and Confiscated from Organized Crime’ to the unavailable assets of Municipalities, Free consortia, Metropolitan Cities and Regions, which have declared the existence of overriding public interests preventing their demolition.”
In Sicilia la sanatoria della discordia sulle coste: nuova norma all’esame dell’aula apre al condono sulle spiagge
Sicilian news
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