Lipari visit postponed for a year: cancer patient will have tests on Tuesday, September 10.

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At the Asp of Messina, the waiting lists are being accelerated. The first case concerns the lady from Lipari C.C. who had called the toll-free number to book checks that had been scheduled for next November.

Now, however, she received the life-saving call to undergo an ultrasound of the left breast after the operation on the right carried out at the Papardo hospital in Messina. “A few days later – she says – the happy news arrived after my story was covered in the press. The visit will take place on September 10th while the previous one, scheduled for November 2025 with a call to the toll-free number. I thank all those who have taken my case to heart”.

The Eolie healthcare commission has intervened several times to highlight the dysfunctions of the Lipari hospital, the only one for seven islands with a population of 15,000 inhabitants that in the summer period with the influx of vacationers reaches 100,000 visitors.

Among the demands are the respect and increase of the current staff of the hospital, the adaptation of healthcare services to the real needs of the archipelago, the increase in continuity of care services in the other islands, the strengthening of the Birth path and the reopening of the birth point.

On August 24th, the commemoration day of the Patron Saint Bartholomew, a banner was displayed on a balcony in Marina Corta square with the message: “Balcony closed for mourning, Eolian Healthcare victim of cuts!! St. Bartholomew help”.

The Eolie Healthcare coordination, after the death on the beach of a 36-year-old man while playing with his children, decided to take formal action to verify if the emergency was managed according to the prescribed procedures, renewing the request for a second equipped ambulance since the only one in service arrived 25 minutes late (and with another patient on board) as it was engaged in another rescue.


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Lipari, la visita era stata fissata tra un anno: malata oncologica farà gli esami martedì 10 settembre

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