Internal challenges within parties between record holders and the disappointed: who wins and who hopes for a reprieve to Brussels

Explain in brief the following article:

“The internal match within Forza Italia was won by Edy Tamajo. But Marco Falcone, who came second in the Sicilian list, highlights the “external help” that his party colleague received from Cuffaro and probably also from Lombardo. Caterina Chinnici finished third and could hope for a reprieve if a second seat is awarded to the Berlusconians and one of the two assessors who preceded her renounces the European Parliament. This is the most politically relevant result of the European elections in Sicily. Tamajo represented the majority wing in the Forza list that is led by Renato Schifani and Marcello Caruso: he came close to reaching 120,000 preferences in the constituency that combines the votes from Sicily and Sardinia. Behind him, Falcone, Economy assessor and the point of the wing less close to Schifani and more aligned with the national leaders, secured his place. Falcone thanked Tajani in his statements and emphasized that he “managed to bring together blue energies and projects without the contribution of any other party or ‘guest’ movement in FI. One could say ‘alone against all’.”

Chinnici stopped at around 92,000 votes, exploiting the momentum provided by Falcone thanks to the multiple preference. In Fratelli d’Italia, apart from Meloni (first elected even in the Islands), the Giuseppe Milazzo-Ruggero Razza axis prevailed over candidates from other factions. The Palermitan should have confirmed his seat in Brussels thanks to almost 65,000 votes, while the former Health assessor should have the second seat among the Melonians thanks to 61,000 preferences. Massimo Giammusso, candidate of the faction led by Salvo Pogliese, stopped at 42,000 votes. In Lega, Raffaele Stancanelli emerged victorious, surpassing Roberto Vannacci (35,000) and the other regional assessor Mimmo Turano (almost 19,000 votes). The former regional secretary, Annalisa Tardino, leader of the group opposed to Sammartino, stopped at almost 18,000 preferences. A politically significant result also within the Pd list. The former regional parliamentarian Giuseppe Lupo placed behind Schlein with 49,500 votes. It is on him that the various regional deputies bet to bring dissent towards the regional secretariat’s line to the fore. Third in the list is Pietro Bartolo, who with his 44,000 preferences could hope for confirmation of his seat in Brussels if the Pd were to secure a second MEP. Among the “grillini,” the victory of Giuseppe Antoci was a given, as he captured 64,478 votes. The 5 Star Movement should have only one seat (but like the Pd, they hope for a second seat with surplus votes) that may not go to the Sicilians as Patrizio Cinque (third with 31,000 votes) was preceded by the Sardinian Cinzia Pilo (39,500). Alliance Green Left ruined the plans of the Pd and the grillini in the race for the second seat. The party of Fratoianni and Bonelli in Sicily secured an excellent 6.1% which should guarantee them a seat in Brussels. However, the top two spots in this list are also candidates in other constituencies: Ilaria Salsi, who received over 50,000 votes here, and Mimmo Lucano (25,760). Thus, Leoluca Orlando, with his 18,500 consents, could also hope to be reprieved as the third-place finisher. The other parties, from the Renziani to Calenda’s Azione and Cateno De Luca’s Libertà, are all below the 4% threshold and therefore will not have seats. The race of their candidates is futile.”

Le sfide interne ai partiti tra recordman e delusi: chi vince e chi spera in un ripescaggio per Bruxelles

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